About Slightly Furry
At Slightly Furry we love our puns and bold flavors. We see the world through a different lens and invite you to join us through our products and events. It's a world where we support and lift up the furry, queer, and underrepresented communities that need a louder voice. All of us at Slightly Furry warmly welcome you into our community and ask that you remember to be respectful and keep an open mind.
Meet the Team
Aaron "Martinisoft" Kalin
Hiya! My real name is Aaron though most call me Martini like the drink. I'm an accomplished software engineer with a family history in the bar and restaurant industry. You'll usually find me relaxing at the bar enjoying a cocktail with friends or cooking in the kitchen when I am not in front of a computer screen.
My interest in home brewing goes back to 2012 when I got my first home brewing starter kit. Through a lot of usually delicious trial and error, I perfected many of the recipes we use today at Slightly Furry.
Ray "Spork" Araldi
I'm a loud-mouthed & brash rabbit, chased down this rabbit hole by a soft spoken yet dedicated & stubborn fox. I'm that guy that says he's just along for the ride but 10mins in, I've researched 3 different routes to our destination that are not only faster but have stops along the way to some hidden food & beverage gems.
Prior to Slightly Furry, I've been working in multimedia production for over 10 years, mostly in voice-over direction/editing/engineering in sound-proof closets & dark basements. Before that I was building network maps and tinkering with fiber optic & ethernet cable in loud, fan-filled closet in some basement.